Gore Simulator
Gore Simulator enables you to quickly and easily add high-quality gore effects to your game through a combination of features that are designed to work seamlessly together.
Each feature can be added through a single inspector component, employing a modular approach that provides full oversight, control and extensibility.
⭐ Powerful Feature Set
- Skinned Mesh Cutting.
- Skinned Mesh Explosion.
- Multi-Cutting.
- Stitching.
- Skinned Mesh Decals.
- Ragdoll Physics.
- Ragdoll Physics on Cut Parts.
- Particle Effects.
✈ Lightning-Fast Performance
- Job System & Burst Compilation.
- Editor Caching.
- Pooling.
💎 Usability
- Any genre and platform.
- Humanoid and generic characters.
- Any amount of Skinned Mesh Renderers (a mesh-combine tool is included).
- Any amount of sub-meshes per renderer.
- Activate/deactivate and full reset with one method call.
- Integrable with custom character controllers.
- Integrable with other ragdoll solutions.
🔉Integrated Systems
- Automated Setups.
- Event System.
- Runtime Profiler.
- API.
✅ User Friendly
- Modular Architecture.
- Lightweight.
- Extensible.
☝ Support
- Up-to-date Online Documentation.
- Helpful Tooltips.
- Demo Scenes.
Technical details
- Minimum Unity Version 2021.2 LTS +
- unity.burst
- unity.collections
Mesh parts are cached in the editor, it is not possible to cut precisely at runtime. However, you can specify the number of pre-cached parts, facilitating the creation of cut simulations that appear seamless - especially when combined with other effects.
Automated Setups
- Mesh pre-caching (+Test meshes for quick verification).
- Automatic Ragdoll setup (humanoid & generic).
- Uniform component color for all materials in use.
- Integrated tool to easily combine skinned meshes.
- Children in bone hierarchy.
- Children with Skinned Mesh Renderers.
Mesh Cut + Explosion
- Makes a snapshot of the currect animation state.
- Super-fast, using techniques such as index pre-caching, jobs, burst, pooling.
- Automatic detachment and mesh creation for children (custom items etc).
- Automatic stitching of cut mesh with custom materials.
- Quick reset with one method call.
- Easy to enable/disable.
- Perfectly integrated with cut operations.
Sub Modules
- Skinned Mesh Decal on cut parts and character, custom materials.
- Sub-Ragdoll: Ragdoll on cut mesh.
- Physics: Mesh + Rigidbody for cut parts and children.
- Particle Effects
- Automatic shrinking / despawn of cut parts.
- Easily extensible with custom modules.
Particle Effects
- 3 cut and 3 explosion particle effects included.
- Custom shader and unique textures.
- Made with customization in mind.
Event System
- Useful Unity Events that can be added modularly in the inspector.
- Each event has an associated Unity Action if coding is preferred.