Living Particles

File size
67.6 MB
Only For Premium or VIP Users

Ultimate Pack of fully customizable particle shaders, you can tweak any property and create unique Effects. All of these effects can be used in almost every game.


HDRP, URP, and Built-In support


Update v1.4: Audio reactive particle shaders are here! Check the latest video, also HDRP shaders are now converted to Shader Graph and fully editable.


Update v1.3: Finally, HDRP and LWRP compatible packages. Also, GPU shaders will boost FPS 2-4 times compared to old ones.


Update v1.2: Morph effects and shaders, fully vertex-animated PBR mesh particles


BONUS: Aditional VFX Textures and Gradients for better customization


- Mobile and VR support


- 34 Complete VFX Prefabs


- Array shader variants


- PBR shader variants


- 19 Gradients and Ramps


- 50+ Textures and Noises


- Different ground patterns


- Linear and Gamma ready


- HDR Support


- Deferred and Forward rendering


- 12 VFX Meshes


Technical details

- This Asset uses Unity's Shuriken Particle System, so any parameter can be adjusted.


- Particles can be affected by both one player and several players without much loss of performance.


- HDRP shaders are made using native Shader Graph.


- There is an example Post Processing Stack V2 inside the Asset, which can be removed if you already have one imported.

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